Не ждите чуда - чудите сами!

Моя сусідка принесла мені на роздрук наступний текст з англійської:

"My name is Solomiya.Moye Dilna.Meni last 14 years. My mother name is Olga, and father Myhaylo.Takozh I have a brother Vasyl.Razom we live in Lvovi.Ya hozhu shkolu.Vchusya at number 100 in 9-in-class klasi.Moyim supervisor is Hawrylak GF English language I taught Adam GS

I love to dance, but seriously this nezaymayus.U free time watching TV, my family say that I was reading something, but I do not like to read and annoys me when I'm reminded every time.

As I recalled, I have finished 9 klas.Mayzhe all my classmates already know which will come, and I can not get vyznachytys.Moya opinion changes every time, but I hope the undergrowth, condition serious and vyznachus with the profession."

Я плакав))))

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@темы: УкрБаш